Morning routine matters. Plenty of health experts have shared their research and expertise on the topic, and it’s about time we shared ours. We are staffed with people just like you—people who sometimes wake up late and stumble out the door, who wish they had more time for the gym, who care about doing their best and getting a good start to the . . .
Learn How Light Can Radically Lift Your Mood (All-Natural, No Side Effects)
Let’s face it. Life is hard and there are plenty of ups and downs. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to deal with a "down" day! We're no experts in chocolate, bath bombs, or the latest workout routines, but we do know an easy and little-known trick to help boost your mood. It all has to do with something you use every day: lighting. How does it . . .
Best of 2021: Modern Ceiling Fans in 3 Styles
Does your home decor style say modern? Maybe it says transitional. Or, maybe you’re wanting to abandon a former you, do a complete 180, and create a modern look. To give your home a modern finish, there are some fundamental elements you’ll want to consider. Yes, the right kind of pillows and picture frames will come into play, but let’s start with . . .
The Ultimate Guide: How to Buy the Perfect Ceiling Fan
A ceiling fan is a must-have fixture that will instantly beautify your space, but they also have surprising practical use. They add light and are often the centerpiece in a room, but also make a room feel more comfortable with cooler air in the summer and warmer air in the winter. Ceiling fans help promote health with better air . . .
Break into Farmhouse Flair with Your Home Lighting
If the down-home charm of farmhouse style speaks to you, you’re not alone! It’s a trendy style with staying power, and now’s a great time to start adding farmhouse décor around any home. If you’re unsure how to start, however, switching out your light fixtures is the perfect starting point. There’s no repainting, rearranging wall hangings, or . . .
Exhausted? Maybe It’s Time To Change The Light In Your Home
Feeling exhausted? Indoor light may be to blame. Because the average human is exposed to more artificial light than sunlight, our bodies are not able to receive the cues we once relied on. These cues include when it is time to wake up and when it is time to go to bed! Naturally, melatonin should be released a few hours before bedtime, helping us . . .
Choosing the Perfect Ceiling Fan
When carefully chosen, a unique ceiling fan will add to your home’s beauty, value, and ultimately save you money. Whether you are shopping for your first fan or you’re updating an old-fashioned relic, the process can be enough to make anyone’s head spin. Fans should be functional as well as attractive, but it’s easy to get buried in all of the . . .
5 Styles in 5 Spaces to Inspire your Next Home Renovation
Home renovation is no joke! But don’t let the magic of a home makeover get lost by the fear of time lost and money spent. With just a little careful planning the results far outweigh the costs and ARE worth the effort….both in how you feel...and how it improves the value of your home. Understanding a few of the basic elements of interior . . .
6 Popular Interior Design Styles You Need to Know
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of the styles and options when it’s time to make an update to your home. There are hundreds of design tips and style trends out there, and it’s hard to know where to start! We’ve put together a list of some of the most popular design trends with simple explanations and some ideas to get you started! Get . . .
Trending: Mix it Up with Minimalist Lighting
Some interior design trends come and go so quickly that it’s hard to understand how they were ever popular (we’re looking at you, 1970s orange shag carpet). Fortunately, some trends have a little bit more staying power. Minimalism is a timeless design trend that we just can’t stop coming back to. It’s all about doing more with less, and making . . .